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Character Data All the character data below is original by Hisaru and it is from Hisaru's point of views.
Name : Zanza Age : 316 Born : 27 July 1688 Clan : Vampire Siblings : 2 older brother Status : Vampire's prince Facts : - Hundred years ago, his lover (a human) was killed by a vampire. - Zanza regretted he was born to be a vampire. - He wish that he would never exist in this world and hope in the next life he could turn in to human. ______________
Name : Kanzaki Age : 18 Born : 23rd September 1986 Clan : Human Siblings : None Status : normal Facts: - He fall in Love with Zanza in his first sight. He want to live forever with Zanza by turning him to a vampire. - He hate his life as a human being and he envy vampire so much. - He hope that one day when he will reincarnated he would be another creature. __________________
Name : Toya Age : 20 Born : 23rd March 1984 Clan : Human Siblings : One elder sister Status : seeker Facts: - he fell in love with Hakuei when he became one of Vampire Slayer.
Age : 22 Born : 27 January 1982 Clan : Human Siblings : One elder brother and a sister Status : scientist Facts: - His families was killed by a vampire - He hate vampires and want to destroy them - He is not really a gay
Name : Arashi Age : 732 Born : 22 November 1272 Clan : vampire (royal family) Siblings : one elder brother and one younger brother Status : vampire prince Facts: - he love Kage when he was a kid - Hide had erased all his memories about their parents because he want Arashi to remember him only - got a weird relationship with his brother *sweatdrop* -every vampires envy him because he is pretty and sexy
Age : 13 867 Born : 20 May Clan : vampire (royal family) Siblings : Two younger brother Status : Vampire king Facts: - He loves his brothers and like having sex. - I don't know much about him but I think he's kakoi (Artist favorite character?) - He's a sadist
Name : Kage Age : 10 966 Born : 14th February Clan : vampire (valentine's vampire >.<) Siblings : 7 elder brothers Status : wizard Facts: - He fell in love with Arashi and very closed to royal family - He had once betrayed vampire kingdom 10 years ago
Age : Both 11342 Born : 12 August Clan : vampire Siblings : none Status : pawn (now traitor) Facts: - had once betrayed Vampire Kingdom and they become traitor - they loved each other -GAY couple ^_^
Age : 27 Born : 30 July Clan : human Siblings : elder brother Status : leader Facts: - he likes to torture every vampire he caught. especially the cute one - he had replaced his blood with his own pride to Hide - he is vocalist
Age : 25 Born : 31 July Clan : human Siblings : an elder sister and elder brother Status : seeker Facts: - nothing much, all I know about him is he like to stay with Jun - he is the bassist of their band - like to tease Hakuei
Name : Ken Age : 31 Born : 14 April Clan : human Siblings : 3 younger sisters Status : seeker Facts: - don't know much about him - he's looked matured when he make his hair like that ^^ -he's guitarist ______________
:+: Vampire's Curse :+: is created by Hisaru and edit by Lily Erilly. This webcomic was hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service. |